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Keto Candy Cane Bombs

Makes 12


These peppermint treats will satisfy your craving for something fresh and sweet and leave you feeling settled instead of antsy for more! Feel free to leave the crushed candy cane out, but if you do include it, opt for canes made without high fructose corn syrup, they’re pretty easy to find these days!


Prep Time: 10 minutes

Baking Time: 0 minutes, at least 20 minutes to freeze



3/4 cup of dried & unsweetened shredded coconut

1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder

¼ cup sweetener (Any sugar free sweetener of your choice)

1 candy cane, crushed

½ cup coconut butter, melted

4 drops of peppermint essential oil




Mix shredded coconut, vanilla bean powder, sugar free sweetener of your choice and half of the crushed candy cane in a mixing bowl until well combined.


Melt the coconut butter slowly in the microwave or with a double broiler. Once melted, stir in peppermint essential oil and then mis with the coconut mixture.


Place tablespoons full on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, leaving a few inches between each spoonful.


Allow to freeze until very firm, at least 20 minutes.


Store in the freezer in a glass container and serve when ready to eat.




Calories: 177

Carbs: 8

Net Carbs: 4

Protein: 2

Fat: 17