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Coconut Lime Mocktail with Mint

Serves 1

This mocktail tastes fresh and vibrant and has a bit of added fat from some dried and unsweetened coconut flakes. Add a shot of vodka or tequila to transform this into a festive cocktail!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes

1 teaspoon erythritol
3-4 ice cubes
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 cup flavored or plain seltzer water
Lime wedges
2-3 cucumber slices
Garnish: Fresh lime slices
Dried & unsweetened shredded coconut
Fresh mint leaves


Take a serving glass and flip it upside down in a shallow bowl of water so that about 1/2” of the rims get wet. Then dip in the erythritol, sliding around so that the rim is lined with it as much as possible.

Fill your glass with 3-4 ice cubes.

Add the lime juice and then fill the remaining glass with flavored or plain seltzer water. Stuff a fresh lime wedge and cucumber slices in the glass.

Garnish with an additional fresh slice of lime, a small sprinkle of shredded coconut and fresh mint leaves.


Calories: 42
Carbs: 14
Net Carbs: 13
Protein: 1
Fat: 1